Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Time to be a bother

In one of last week’s posts, I mentioned speaking with the orthopedic surgeon’s office to schedule a total right hip replacement. The first call was made Friday, Feb 28th. The young lady assured me I’d be called back with a schedule that afternoon or the following Monday. I received no call Friday afternoon or Monday.

Fast forward to last Friday March 7th, I call and leave another message about scheduling the hip surgery. Their voice mail states all calls will be returned within 24 hours. Which brings us to today, Tuesday March 11, 2014, and I am still without any surgical information.

I now have a new plan. This plan involves me calling their office every morning at 9:30am for the foreseeable future until I get what I want. Since Saturday I’ve been switch-hitting between a cane and crutches. Ambulating has become tedious and I need to know there is a finish line up the road.

Here’s a bit of good news. Yesterday, I found enough energy to shower. That had been 3 days in the making due to pain and fatigue. And last night I doubled my usual sleep intake from 2 to 4 hours. It was either the Morphine or exhaustion. Either way, I’ll take it.

My weekend was decent. I helped Gabe practice for his second drum lesson. We spent most of our time watching live drum sessions on YouTube. He seems really engaged with the thought of playing the drums. It is fun watching him get excited over what was such a large portion of my life.

I’d like to wish my mom a Happy Birthday. I’ve been homebound since Saturday and am without card, but hope she reads this. I know I can be a pain in the ass mom, but I love you. I don’t take for granted everything you do for me or anyone else. You always find the strength even when it is near impossible to grasp. Happy Birthday!

My plans for the week are as follows: Harass the orthopedic office until surgery is scheduled. Drive to Dana Farber for prescription refills. Go to lodge rehearsal Wednesday night. Visit Gabe’s school Thursday for a presentation on Black History Month. Take mom and dad out Friday night for their combined birthday dinners. Of course, run other random errands and hopefully I see Raine.

That is all for now.

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