Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Beyond the dreary black clouds, there is sun on the horizon. How you say? I anxiously went to my primary care physician’s office (PCP) today for the purpose of continuing my appeal with social security for disability benefits. Forms were sent to the PCP by social security to be completed on my behalf for the appeal.

Family, friends, a disability lawyer, and other medical professionals have assured me I should win my appeal without moving to a hearing. Today, I believe that. My PCP hit all the nails on the head about how the physical pain not only hinders my mobility but also my energy and concentration. All of this is true.

I even started a countdown to hip replacement. Today we stand at 72 days. I keep my fingers crossed for a cancellation, so I may be cut open sooner. I am nowhere near masochistic but the thought of replacing this current pain with a new one is exhilarating.

My drawer of spoons is official empty.

I want to wish my brother a Happy and Healthy Birthday and everyone a Happy Rex Manning Day.
