Sunday, April 7, 2013

Failure to succeed

Success vs Failure

I like to say, “You can’t be successful without the willingness to fail.” However, I am disappointed with my current failure to succeed.

My attempt to hold a successful large scale charity event for American Cancer Society ended yesterday. Due to poor sales and caterer cancellation, it wasn’t going to happen. Not going to lie…This will sting for a bit and unfortunately, I may decide not to Relay in 2014 and turn my attention to other foundations. I have enjoyed my time with Relay but I need a fresh start.

This weekend wasn’t all black clouds. I spent quality time with my Gabriel. He performed well at karate. We visited 2 parks, played football, went to dinner, and both volunteered at the Special Olympics bowling event in Danvers. Such a good kid.

What to say about my health? I’m tired. Both knees and both hips hurt daily. My back and right shoulder are sore. I have dizzy spells. Walking is a chore. Running is impossible. Stairs are challenging. I’m tired, so very tired. The next 5 weeks will test my stamina and resolve. (More details to come.)

I am overly appreciative to all the donations and support I receive for my charity and self. I understand times are tough and money is tight. Thank you all.
