Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just another update

Treatment never stops.

This past Monday, I went to clinic for blood, check-up and Zoledronic acid infusion. The infusion is brief and is used to treat and prevent osteoporosis, which I have. Blood counts were stable besides high triglycerides and low IgG (immunoglobulin) levels.

So what’s next?

We treat the low triglycerides level with a new prescription for TRICOR (or the generic because Medicare won’t approve the brand). We treat the low IgG level with an IVIG fusion this week. And my immune suppressant medication is lowered as a reward for good overall blood counts. Of course, if I have any trouble breathing the meds go back up.

I have taken some form of immune suppressants or steroids for 4 years now trying to combat lingering graft-versus-host disease in my lungs. This will be our third attempt to taper and remove such medication from my everyday life.

My week wasn’t all gloom, however. Gabe lost his first tooth. He is the absolute best. Unlike Santa Claus, the tooth fairy did visit my home and he was a happy boy. I had the chance to get out of the house Thursday night. Saw some lost but not forgotten souls and received a few well wishes and compliments on my weight loss. It was a pleasant surprise.

This week will be busy. 2 visits to physical therapy. 1 Reiki session. 1 trip to Dana Farber. 1 infusion. 1 elementary school parent open house. 4 pickups, 4 afternoons, and 2 nights with my son. Who says being unemployed on disability is an easy job?

In the timeless words of Porky Pig, “That’s all folks!”


1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam,

    My husband also has MCL. He was diagnosed this past February. So far, he has avoided chemo, used only "alternative" therapies, and done pretty well. But the cancer has not gone away. I think that he realizes that the chemo trip is in our future.

    I am on a few MCL Facebook groups - are you? Reading your blog and the Facebook groups, I am getting educated on what is involved with the chemo for this cancer - a somewhat daunting study. But if you can do it, and all of the people I read about can do it, it can be done here, also.

    I see that you are from Peabody. My husband grew up in Chelmsford and Duxbury. We live in Colorado.

    I send you wishes for the best health possible.
