Friday, July 23, 2010

God's Punishment

I had a very interesting conversation last night with someone I always believed to my soul mate in life. She is happily married and the mother of two. We hadn’t spoken in almost 10 years but the thought of her still warms my heart. I believe that in life we all come across and meet our soul mates. Not many will stay with or end up with that person, but that isn’t my overall point. I am comfortable knowing our paths crossed and she had a lasting impression on my life.

Now to my point which is a little off topic from my normal medical updates. In our discussion, she asked if I felt that getting sick was part of God’s plan for me. As most of you know, I am spiritual but not overly religious. However, this was my response.

Sickness and disease are God’s way of getting back at mankind for taking the gifts he’s provided to us for granted.

We were given a beautiful planet and ruined it. We were given the ability to love but hate so quickly. We are born into life with no prejudices but racism and anti-Semitism towards religions still exists. Homelessness and starvation flood our streets. War is all around us because mankind is never pleased with what they have. Everything needs to be bigger and better than what your neighbor has.

“God” or whomever is in charge of our lives doesn’t appreciate this, so sickness and disease are his (or her) way of punishing us. And unfortunately like cancer, he isn’t overly particular about who it hurts or afflicts. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty but he punishes everyone because we are all guilty for taking life for granted at times.

For some reason, I feel this post my stir more conversation then most things I write, but it was something on my mind and didn’t want to hold back. Please express your thoughts. I look forward to your feedback.


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