Just a quick update.
I went to an orthopedic specialist yesterday. He took x-rays and manipulated my knee (which now hurts worse than before) and it seems I have a slightly displaced knee cap and a bone spur. I have an MRI scheduled for next Wednesday to see if there is any further damage. From there, I will follow up with orthopedic and discuss a treatment plan. Could be anything from simple physical therapy to knee surgery.
Presently, the major concern is my ability to heal and control pain. After speaking with my oncologist this morning, if surgery is necessary there will be certain precautions we need to take medically to assure the best possible outcome. My timetable for healing is double that of the average healthy person. The only prescription to help my knee right, besides ice and rest, is anti-inflammatory medication (Ibuprofen i.e. Aleve, Motrin, Advil).
Secondly, Tuesday's blood results are back and things are somewhat encouraging. White cells were good. Red cells were stable (for a change). Platelets were up from 80 to 100 (norm is 180 or above). However, because my platelets are low, I shouldn't take any anti-inflammatory medication because the increased possibility of bruising and excess bleeding is too great.
I'll have more to write once the MRI is performed.
I would like to take this opportunity to send out prayers to Jessica's mom, who recently had a stoke, and Laurie's nephew, David, who is trying to recover from massive brain trauma. Please pray for their well-being and families. They need strength and we can help.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
God's Punishment
I had a very interesting conversation last night with someone I always believed to my soul mate in life. She is happily married and the mother of two. We hadn’t spoken in almost 10 years but the thought of her still warms my heart. I believe that in life we all come across and meet our soul mates. Not many will stay with or end up with that person, but that isn’t my overall point. I am comfortable knowing our paths crossed and she had a lasting impression on my life.
Now to my point which is a little off topic from my normal medical updates. In our discussion, she asked if I felt that getting sick was part of God’s plan for me. As most of you know, I am spiritual but not overly religious. However, this was my response.
Sickness and disease are God’s way of getting back at mankind for taking the gifts he’s provided to us for granted.
We were given a beautiful planet and ruined it. We were given the ability to love but hate so quickly. We are born into life with no prejudices but racism and anti-Semitism towards religions still exists. Homelessness and starvation flood our streets. War is all around us because mankind is never pleased with what they have. Everything needs to be bigger and better than what your neighbor has.
“God” or whomever is in charge of our lives doesn’t appreciate this, so sickness and disease are his (or her) way of punishing us. And unfortunately like cancer, he isn’t overly particular about who it hurts or afflicts. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty but he punishes everyone because we are all guilty for taking life for granted at times.
For some reason, I feel this post my stir more conversation then most things I write, but it was something on my mind and didn’t want to hold back. Please express your thoughts. I look forward to your feedback.
Now to my point which is a little off topic from my normal medical updates. In our discussion, she asked if I felt that getting sick was part of God’s plan for me. As most of you know, I am spiritual but not overly religious. However, this was my response.
Sickness and disease are God’s way of getting back at mankind for taking the gifts he’s provided to us for granted.
We were given a beautiful planet and ruined it. We were given the ability to love but hate so quickly. We are born into life with no prejudices but racism and anti-Semitism towards religions still exists. Homelessness and starvation flood our streets. War is all around us because mankind is never pleased with what they have. Everything needs to be bigger and better than what your neighbor has.
“God” or whomever is in charge of our lives doesn’t appreciate this, so sickness and disease are his (or her) way of punishing us. And unfortunately like cancer, he isn’t overly particular about who it hurts or afflicts. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty but he punishes everyone because we are all guilty for taking life for granted at times.
For some reason, I feel this post my stir more conversation then most things I write, but it was something on my mind and didn’t want to hold back. Please express your thoughts. I look forward to your feedback.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
If it's not one thing, it's another.
In the past 8 days, my oncologist has made reference to my survival of Mantle Cell Lymphoma in more than one way. First by saying, “Can you believe (that) in 4 months, it will be 2 years (referring to when we started the stem cell transplant). Second by saying, “Well, you are our ‘wonder’ patient.” Making reference to the fact that I’ve broken the mold on diagnosis, treatment, and survival for this lymphoma.
As refreshing and yet disturbing as these comments are, the problems keep coming.
In the past two months, we (my oncologists and I) discovered some new abnormalities in my blood. White blood cell counts, lipid levels, kidney functions, and electrolytes are normal. However, my overall red blood cell (RBC) count and platelets are low. This discovery caused them to drain 17 vials of blood yesterday in hopes of finding an answer. But as we‘ve found in the past, my body doesn’t follow any true diagnosis for disease or disorder. Allow me to explain further.
Hemolytic anemia is the abnormal breakdown of RBC’s either in the blood vessels or else where in the body. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia or MAHA is a subgroup of hemolytic anemia caused by the tightness or constriction of blood vessels. When RBC’s are looked at under a microscope, they look fragmented and edged, instead of circular as blood cells should. Currently all signs point to the diagnosis of MAHA. However, my other blood work (kidneys function, etc), and lack of heart problems, jaundice or pallor make me yet again an anomaly who doesn’t fit the bill. My team of doctors has no plan of attack yet and we are still awaiting more blood results.
Moving right along, let’s discuss my left knee. For the past several weeks, I have experienced pain, swelling and discomfort behind my left knee. After years of burdening the load for a bum right knee, I assumed wear and tear had finally caught up. Of course, I am wrong. There is a chance, torn cartilage or ligament damage will be found, but after yesterday’s ultrasound we discovered a Baker’s cyst.

A Baker’s cyst is the benign swelling of a bursa behind the knee joint. It may be caused by other damage already in the knee and typically there is no true treatment plan. If it becomes too painful and discomforting, then is may be drained and a cortisone shot could be used but in most cases it either bursts internally or reduces on its own. Leg elevation, ice, and relaxation are usually the treatment plan.
Needless to say, I ran around from 8:30am to 5pm yesterday. Peabody to Dana Farber, check in, blood draw, check in again, oncologist appointment, check in again, back to blood draw, kill time in cafeteria for an hour waiting for an ultrasound, drive to Salem Hospital for knee ultrasound because Brigham nor Dana Farber could scan me, drive back home to Peabody just in time to see my mom arriving with Gabriel from daycare. If the cancer doesn’t kill me, the running around will.
So in a nutshell, I’ve gone from having a blood disease to now having a blood disorder. I have a royal pain in my knee instead of my ass. My doctors are shocked yet happy I’m alive, so everything else is gravy.
That’s all for now. I hope to get back to telling tales of my experiences in the hospital during my stem cell transplant soon. It seems like life keeps getting the way. Be well!
As refreshing and yet disturbing as these comments are, the problems keep coming.
In the past two months, we (my oncologists and I) discovered some new abnormalities in my blood. White blood cell counts, lipid levels, kidney functions, and electrolytes are normal. However, my overall red blood cell (RBC) count and platelets are low. This discovery caused them to drain 17 vials of blood yesterday in hopes of finding an answer. But as we‘ve found in the past, my body doesn’t follow any true diagnosis for disease or disorder. Allow me to explain further.
Hemolytic anemia is the abnormal breakdown of RBC’s either in the blood vessels or else where in the body. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia or MAHA is a subgroup of hemolytic anemia caused by the tightness or constriction of blood vessels. When RBC’s are looked at under a microscope, they look fragmented and edged, instead of circular as blood cells should. Currently all signs point to the diagnosis of MAHA. However, my other blood work (kidneys function, etc), and lack of heart problems, jaundice or pallor make me yet again an anomaly who doesn’t fit the bill. My team of doctors has no plan of attack yet and we are still awaiting more blood results.
Moving right along, let’s discuss my left knee. For the past several weeks, I have experienced pain, swelling and discomfort behind my left knee. After years of burdening the load for a bum right knee, I assumed wear and tear had finally caught up. Of course, I am wrong. There is a chance, torn cartilage or ligament damage will be found, but after yesterday’s ultrasound we discovered a Baker’s cyst.

A Baker’s cyst is the benign swelling of a bursa behind the knee joint. It may be caused by other damage already in the knee and typically there is no true treatment plan. If it becomes too painful and discomforting, then is may be drained and a cortisone shot could be used but in most cases it either bursts internally or reduces on its own. Leg elevation, ice, and relaxation are usually the treatment plan.
Needless to say, I ran around from 8:30am to 5pm yesterday. Peabody to Dana Farber, check in, blood draw, check in again, oncologist appointment, check in again, back to blood draw, kill time in cafeteria for an hour waiting for an ultrasound, drive to Salem Hospital for knee ultrasound because Brigham nor Dana Farber could scan me, drive back home to Peabody just in time to see my mom arriving with Gabriel from daycare. If the cancer doesn’t kill me, the running around will.
So in a nutshell, I’ve gone from having a blood disease to now having a blood disorder. I have a royal pain in my knee instead of my ass. My doctors are shocked yet happy I’m alive, so everything else is gravy.
That’s all for now. I hope to get back to telling tales of my experiences in the hospital during my stem cell transplant soon. It seems like life keeps getting the way. Be well!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Hello Summer!
Welcome to the summer edition of Living with Lymphoma. You were probably hoping I would stay away, but I’m back!
In cancer related news, thankfully I am still in full remission. Biopsy stitches are removed and the area is healing well. Red blood cells and platelet counts are low, so next week I’ll find out if they’ve recovered or if I need a transfusion.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life was a huge success. I have to thank my team, Shawn, Sue, Marie, Jenifer, Jamie, Haley, Meghan, and Laurie. We raised just shy of $3,000 as a team and will be noted a Bronze medal team by the ACS. We are already planning for next year’s walk. How to fundraise better, make the campsite better, and how to recruit more members. It was an awesome experience and am excited to participate again. Thank you to all my friends, family and companies who contributed time and money to making the event such a success.
In non-cancer related yes still medical news, knee surgery could be in my future. There is a snapping, stiffness, and pain in my left knee. For those who know don’t, I have had 3 surgeries on my right knee including a complete ACL reconstruction. The left knee has carried the load (no pun intended) for 15 years now and it was bound to give way eventually. My oncologist checked out the knee and it definitely isn’t drug or steroid related. Hence, I have an appointment at the end of the month with a orthopedic specialist.
The back is still sore and I should have gone back to physical therapy by now. However I am waiting find out about my knee. Can’t stand, walk, or do much of anything for more than 30 minutes without the back flaring up.
Outside the medical world, things aren’t too shabby. Finally passed papers on the short sale for the house in Dracut. Starting to look into new living arrangements to get me some privacy but still stay close to home in case of medical emergencies concerning myself or my parents. I also decided I can’t hide in my bedroom forever and have been separated long enough, so it is finally time to start dating.
My father was nominated and elected the new Master of Jordan Lodge in Peabody and has asked me join his line of officers as chaplain. Of course, I accepted. This will require the purchase of a tuxedo, but it will be worth it. My brethren in the Masons have helped me a great deal and I am looking forward to the opportunity to sit with my father and take on an active role in lodge.
Has always my son is amazing. He is growing like a weed, talking up a storm, wanting to read, and learning to swim. There are just not enough words to describe how I feel for my son. Gabe…Daddy loves you!
Ok, so this has become a slightly long post. Hadn’t written in a while. Sorry to drag on. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. The fire pit will be open in the backyard soon.
In cancer related news, thankfully I am still in full remission. Biopsy stitches are removed and the area is healing well. Red blood cells and platelet counts are low, so next week I’ll find out if they’ve recovered or if I need a transfusion.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life was a huge success. I have to thank my team, Shawn, Sue, Marie, Jenifer, Jamie, Haley, Meghan, and Laurie. We raised just shy of $3,000 as a team and will be noted a Bronze medal team by the ACS. We are already planning for next year’s walk. How to fundraise better, make the campsite better, and how to recruit more members. It was an awesome experience and am excited to participate again. Thank you to all my friends, family and companies who contributed time and money to making the event such a success.
In non-cancer related yes still medical news, knee surgery could be in my future. There is a snapping, stiffness, and pain in my left knee. For those who know don’t, I have had 3 surgeries on my right knee including a complete ACL reconstruction. The left knee has carried the load (no pun intended) for 15 years now and it was bound to give way eventually. My oncologist checked out the knee and it definitely isn’t drug or steroid related. Hence, I have an appointment at the end of the month with a orthopedic specialist.
The back is still sore and I should have gone back to physical therapy by now. However I am waiting find out about my knee. Can’t stand, walk, or do much of anything for more than 30 minutes without the back flaring up.
Outside the medical world, things aren’t too shabby. Finally passed papers on the short sale for the house in Dracut. Starting to look into new living arrangements to get me some privacy but still stay close to home in case of medical emergencies concerning myself or my parents. I also decided I can’t hide in my bedroom forever and have been separated long enough, so it is finally time to start dating.
My father was nominated and elected the new Master of Jordan Lodge in Peabody and has asked me join his line of officers as chaplain. Of course, I accepted. This will require the purchase of a tuxedo, but it will be worth it. My brethren in the Masons have helped me a great deal and I am looking forward to the opportunity to sit with my father and take on an active role in lodge.
Has always my son is amazing. He is growing like a weed, talking up a storm, wanting to read, and learning to swim. There are just not enough words to describe how I feel for my son. Gabe…Daddy loves you!
Ok, so this has become a slightly long post. Hadn’t written in a while. Sorry to drag on. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. The fire pit will be open in the backyard soon.
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